Armadillos and Surprises

Today just gets cooler and cooler.


First of all, I revamped the Armadillo illustration yesterday, so you can now get it at Hümans By Design in all forms and incarnations of armored cuteness:

"Armadillo". Suzanne Skaar.  Women's T-shirt. Available in multiple formats at Design by Hümans.
“Armadillo”. Suzanne Skaar. Women’s T-shirt. Available in multiple formats at Design by Hümans.
"Armadillo". Suzanne Skaar.  Women's Tank Top. Available in multiple formats at Design by Hümans.
“Armadillo”. Suzanne Skaar. Women’s Tank Top. Available in multiple formats at Design by Hümans.
"Armadillo". Suzanne Skaar.  Phone Case. Available in multiple formats at Design by Hümans.
“Armadillo”. Suzanne Skaar. Phone Case. Available in multiple formats at Design by Hümans.
"Armadillo". Suzanne Skaar.  Hoodie. Available in multiple formats at Design by Hümans.
“Armadillo”. Suzanne Skaar. Hoodie. Available in multiple formats at Design by Hümans.
"Armadillo". Suzanne Skaar.  Men's T-shirt. Available in multiple formats at Design by Hümans.
“Armadillo”. Suzanne Skaar. Men’s T-shirt. Available in multiple formats at Design by Hümans.


Next, I’m excited because I’m trekking up to Seattle this evening to hang out with other artists at a design for social good event. (Sans kid; shhhh, don’t tell her.) Maybe I’ll see you there?


And finally, what has to be one of the strangest surprises I have yet to find in my email:

For real?
For real?

How freaking cool is that?

I hope you’re having a great day, too! And thank you for supporting No Mine! Studios.



No Mine! Studios

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