Adventure Game Fan Fair

I am excited to announce that No, Mine! Studios will be at the 2024 Adventure Game Fan Fair! Come play game demos from across the country – including my as yet untitled dino game based loosely on Tacoma, listen to talks by the original devs behind Sierra On-Line (!!!!!), and make new friends July 26-28 at UW Tacoma’s Philip Hall.

[The fair also happens to fall on my birthday weekend!]

For more info, check out Thank you, Adventure Game Hotspot, for the invitation!


It’s been a while!

Thanks to support from Women-Led Games, I’ll be attending the 2024 GamesBeat Summit in L.A. May 20-21! If you want to connect at the conference, let me know! I would love to discuss potential collaborations/ writing opportunities. I might also have some dino game and Yeetcosystem(TM) Licensed Sales Agent stickers/ buttons on hand. 🙂 Email me at, or send a message through the conference attendees app. Or just walk up and say hi, because I will say hi back.

Thank you to those who have reached out regarding animation classes and club meetings. I’m still recovering from a wrist injury, but I’m hopeful to get back in the swing of things soon. Unfortunately, classes/ meetings are on hold until I get the all clear to lift the necessary supplies and equipment. If you’re interested and willing to help in getting this back up and running, or want to be notified when classes are offered again, email

Ways to Support No, Mine! Studios

If you’re not yet following No, Mine! Studios on Instagram, click here! If you’d like to sport some No, Mine! Studios gear, this hoodie is currently on sale at Redbubble, along with several other designs. Or, if you are feeling generous, you can also buy a dino a coffee.

Thank you for your support, and see you soon, California!
